- BASH19 - Extensive list of manuals for everything Bruker NMR (2016+)
- BASH10 - Older Bruker BASH10 for AVx consoles and DSeries
- Calc_Power - Calculate power levels from a given 90 time
- firmware - List of various firmware available for systems
- CentOS_install - Topspin install on CentOS X
- AU_programming - AU programming manual 2018
- Lab_guide - Bruker manual for general maintenance for IPSO systems (rf, cortab, field correct)
- ts1.3_install - Install guide for TS1.3, good for ccu debugging etc
- AQX Power Failure - Debug power failure on DRX AQX power supplies
- He_fill - notes on filling the 750wb with Helium
- NMR_parts - Tubing, regulators, inserts etc
- Cryogens - Order Cryogens
- Random_notes - Some general notes particularly for topspin errors
- VT_manual - Bruker manual for BVT/BCU etc
- Compressor_RRC - Oil change etc for compressor in RRC basement
- Compressor_SES - Oil-free compressor in SES basement
- Air_configuration - Configuration for air system in 5318ses
- Air_filters_SES - Air filters used in 5318ses
- Air_filters_SES_basement - Air filters used for 5318ses in basement
- Puregas_dryer - Manual for Pure_gas/SP Scientific air dryer
- Parker_dryer - Manual for Parker_Balston air dryer
- electronics_notes - Electronic repairs found at UofW (Amp repairs etc)
- aqx_5V_supply - EWS600 5V power supply to all AQX cards
- mml400 - Omega 5/12V power supply to AQX manual (code: 12C12C5/5K modules)
- mml400_2 - Omega 5/12V power supply to AQX manual 2
- GXT3_6000RTL630 - UPS manual for Liebert GXT3 6000VA; input 208V 1phase L6-30R; output 208V 2*L6-20R and 2*L6-30R
- GXT2_6000RT208 - Spare UPS manual for Liebert GXT2 6000VA;input L14-30R, 208V 3phase;output 2*L6-20 1phase; 4 backup batteries
- UPS_tripplite - UPS in 5318ses, model SU8000RT3UPM, series AGPS7257, Tripp Lite parallel pdu
- UPS_tripplite_battery - UPS battery in 5318ses, BP240V10RT3U, Tripp Lite parallel pdu