The Avance III HD architecture is based on a forward-thinking electronics concept that delivers an unprecedented level of digital control, fast NMR, high speed spectroscopy, flexibility and exceptionally pure NMR frequency generation. The AVANCE III HD spectrometer is designed around an advanced digital concept that provides an optimized pathway for highest speed RF generation and data acquisition with a highly modular and scalable transmitter and receiver channel architecture.

The AVANCE III HD features new digital RF synthesizer, further enhanced receiver electronics, redesigned preamplifiers, extended Digital LockTM and SmartVTTM capabilities. The new RF synthesizer offers significantly increased digital integration, incorporating a lower phase noise local oscillator (LO) and a high speed DA converter running at 960 MHz. This enables extended digital RF power settings up to NMR frequencies of 1.2 GHz.

An AVANCE III HD spectrometer can be configured in two different ways:

  • As a NanoBay system equipped with an internal IPSO AQS Unit.

  • As an OneBay or TwoBay system equipped with the extended IPSO 19" Unit.

Magnet Systems

General handling and maintenance information for all magnet systems can be found here. Specific documents are supplied with each magnet.


Product and service manuals in the area of electronics can be found here. This includes the categories AQS/3, BSMS/2, console, gradient system, HPPR, IPSO system, transmitter system and lock switch.

Automation (optional)

Bruker automation allows the user to easily and effectively perform automatic experiments.


General information common to most probes can be found here. See the appropriate NMR probe documentation for details.


Documentation for accessories such as the temperature system, LC_SPE-NMR/MS and service tools can be found here.


Documentation for SampleTrackTM system software can be found here. Refer to TopSpinTM help for TopSpin software documentation.