rpar - if you type 'rpar' and then enter you should see a list of all expts. focus on the lower case for now as these are
expts i've put in manually.
- 90_times --
measured 90s for the 5mm TXI probe recently.
- macro: h1.txi --
1D Proton
-- pulprog
- macro: h1_es.txi --
1D Proton with excitation sculpting water suppression
-- pulprog
- macro: selnoe.txi --
1D NOE Proton
-- pulprog
- macro: selroe.txi --
1D ROE Proton; used for MW of 700-1100 Da where NOEs don't show well.
-- pulprog
- cnst21 is the peak selected in ppm
- using a 200ms mix time at 10kHz RF Field
- macro: c13.txi --
1D 13C
-- pulprog
- macro: f19.txi --
1D 19F; need to wobb to 19F tuning using 1H tuners. --
- wobb using the "yellow" tuners
- at zg/rga type in password "topspin" to make error go away
- optional: set o1p near your peak if far away. This is the center of spectrum in ppm
- macro: std1d.txi --
STD Saturation Transfer Difference for ligand binding. --
ref1 --
macro_to_set_expt --
- macro: kinetic_2d --
Series of 1D experiments for Kinetics (pseudo 2D file storage). See macro for defining delays etc. --
- macro: h1_t2.txi --
Proton T2 measurement (pseudo 2D file storage). See macro for defining delays etc.
- macro: noesy.txi --
2D NOESY without water suppression. --
- macro: cosy.txi --
3 Pulse DQF COSY with gradient selection (organic compounds). Note it's magnitude mode. --
- macro: clipcosy.txi --
Clip COSY - Clean in-phase COSY. Only see doublets (use this). --
ref1 --
- macro: c_hsqc.txi --
H/C HSQC experiment. --
- macro: c_h2bc.txi --
H/C 2-bond correlation experiment. --
pulprog --
- macro: c_hmbc.txi --
H/C HMBC experiment. --
- macro: dosy.txi --
DOSY without water suppression. --