Additional Software on DPX400:

We've begun to build a running list of Linux based programs on the NMR spectrometer. This way Windows and Mac users can simply login remotely and use the programs. Please let me know of any others you would like to install and we can add them to the list.

Everything is installed under the directory /opt/topspin/nmrapps
The aliases to launch a program from a shell/terminal are:

xmgr - XMGR graphics plotter
nv -NMRView NMR Viewing software
D - nmrDraw is a popular NMR Viewing software thru the NIH
molmol - Molmol Molecular/PDB Viewer
glove - GLOVE Data fitting software

eg) to launch NMRView from within a shell first type csh and then nv

Many of these programs will be used in tutorials regarding advanced data processing (kinetics, relaxation, DOSY etc).

Internal note: users default csh file is located in /etc/profile.d/nmrapps.csh