Variable Temperature above 298K works on all machines

Variable Temperature between 278-298K (400 and 500 in RRC)

Variable Temperature below 298K works on all machines with N2(g) boiloff

Variable Temperature below 298K works on DPX400 with chiller (-60C) Chiller_setup

This is how to change the sample temperature using 'EDTE'. All the spectrometers are normally set to 298 Kelvin. Please ask for help if you are having problems with this method. If you plan to go above 100C you might want to ask me to sit in and help. The low temperature 278-298K is done in the exact same fashion as described below and no additional changes are necessary. For studies below 278K go ahead and contact us as we need to use N2(g) boiloff to attain such values.

USE THE WHITE CERAMIC SPINNERS FOR VARIABLE TEMPERATURE WORK. THE BLUE ONES WILL MELT. The Ceramic spinners are located in the blue box in the cabinets

*you should only increment the temperature in 20-30 Kelvin steps. Don't go too fast as it can crack the glassware.
**also, stay at least minus 10K below the solvents boiling temperature.



When Finished

Temperature Calibration
