rpar - if you type 'rpar' and then enter you should see a list of all expts. focus on the lower case for now as these are
the expts I put in specifically for this 500 rrc machine. The 400 has considerably fewer expts available due to hardware limitations.
- h1.bbo
- h1_es.bbo - 1H with water suppression
- h1_c13dec.bbo - 1H observe with 13C decoupling (on drx500)
- c13.bbo
- al27.bbo - 27Al single pulse no decoupling (on dpx400) --
ref1 --
- b11.bbo
- b11_dec.bbo - 11B with Waltz16 1H decoupling (on dpx400)
- b11_clean_dec.bbo - 11B with Waltz16 1H decoupling (on dpx400); also has 11B background removal using spinlock/T1r relaxation
- p31.bbo - 1D 31P phosphorous WITH 1H decoupling
- li7.bbo - 1D single pulse 7Li (on dpx400)
- na23.bbo - 23Na single pulse no decoupling, binding study (on dpx400) --
fit --
ref1 --
ref2 --
- n15.bbo - 1D 15N direct detect nitrogen with Waltz-16 1H decoupling (on dpx400)
- p31_nodec.bbo - 1D 31P phosphorous WITHOUT 1H decoupling
- f19.bbo
- h2.bbo
- si29.bbo - Use only for 29Si which has no protons attached
- si29_dept.bbo - Use for protonated 29Si. All pks point up dept30. Avoids T1 problems of 29Si (inherits 1H T1)(av500 sel only)
- v51.bbo - V(-1),V(1),V(5) are diamagnetic and observable. other states are nmr invisible/paramagnetic (use epr instead) (dpx400)
- pt195.bbo
- te125.bbo - Tellurium-125 (spin=1/2) on dpx400. referenced to 711ppm --
- basically nuclei from 109Ag-31P with a magnetic moment are possible
- dept45.bbo - CH,CH2,CH3 all up
- dept90.bbo - CH only
- dept135.bbo - CH3/CH up, CH2 down (an even/odd effect)
- c13ig.bbo - Quantitative 13C NMR using relaxation agent Cr(AcAc)3 --
- selnoe.bbo - selective noesy
- seltoc.bbo - selective tocsy
- psyche - J-coupling free 1D 1H; chemical shift only seen
- macro: std1d.txi -
Saturation Transfer Difference (STD) for ligand binding. 1D arrays (on 500wb) --
ref1 --
macro_to_set_expt --
- h1_t2.bbo -
1H 1D T2 measurement using CPMG blocks. PSEUDO 2D array. (dpx400) --
MNova_processing --
macro_to_set_loops --
t2_loops_example --
t2_delays_example --
- cosy.bbo - double quantum filtered (dqf) cosy
- ipcosy.bbo - in-phase cosy, see doublets only where the 3j is read directly from splittings --
- azcosy - anti z-cosy. yields J-coupling on Y-axis and Chemical shift only on X-axis. "2D J-resolved"
- cosy_es.bbo - cosy with water suppression
- dosy.bbo - diffusion order spectroscopy
- hmbc.bbo - 3 bond h/c
- h2bc.bbo - 2 bond h/c (only correlates to 13c with 1h attached though)
- hmqc.bbo - 1 bond h/c (small molecule)
- hmqc_ip.bbo - 1 bond h/c (phase sensitive)
- hsqc.bbo - 1 bond h/c (use for larger molecules or when high resolution is needed
- hsqcdept.bbo - 1 bond h/c where now 13c has ch3/ch up and ch2 down
- hsqctocsy.bbo - 1 bond h/c and tocsy correlations to coupled 1h's
- noesy.bbo - standard noesy
- noesy_es.bbo - noesy with water suppression
- tocsy.bbo - correlate all protons in spin system
- tocsy_es.bbo - correlate all protons in spin system, water suppression
- macro: qhsqc.txi -
Quantitative H/C 2D HSQC (500wb in SES only). --
ref1 --
the prosol functionality works on all the machines. please see page 66 of the topspin1.3 manual. in general any of the expts
seen in CAPITAL letters from rpar can be used with little effort. I ask that you use the lower case/custom
expts i've set first however as they are more reliable. eg) see below:
- rpar - and select HMQCGP, this is the Bruker hmqc with gradient selection
- getprosol - loads in the predefined power levels and pulse widths for a successful expt
- ns - change the number of scans perhaps
- rga - set the receiver gain
- expt - report the expt time
- zg - zero memory buffer and go