;0.1) Program: multiCP/MAS with Hahn echo at high spinning speed ;Description: Quantitative 13C spectra with good S/N ;Requires: High spinning frequency (e.g. 14 kHz) ;Reference(s): Johnson & Schmidt-Rohr, , J. Magn. Reson. 239, 44-49 (2014) ;srmulcp90p6.echo last CP with p6 < p5 ;from srmulcp90.echo 90-100% ramps ;compare srmulcp90p6gade.180 for dipolar dephasing ;;pl12 is power level for decoupling on F2 ;l31 spin-rate Hz ;d11 tz delay btw CP ;l0 number of CP loops ;p3 H hard 90@plw2 ;pl2 H hard power ;p1 C hard 90@plw11 ;pl22 decoupling during hahn-echo ;pl12 decoupling during acqu tppm15 ;p2 C hard 180@plw11 ;p5 ramp pulse 1.1ms ;sp0 H ramp power ;spnam0 H ramp shape ;p6 shorter ramp pulse 0.1ms ;pl1 C Contact powe;no ramp ;pl11 C hard power ;pl3 1H Contact power ;pl2 H hard 90 power ;cpdprg2 acqu dec tppm15 ;cpdprg3 hahn-echo cw/tppm15 define delay d11d2 "d11d2=d11/2" "d13=1s/l31 - p2/2 - 1u " ;exactly tr from center to center of pulses ; "d3=d13-2u-8u" "d3=d13" ;cnst11 : to adjust t=0 for acquisition, if digmod = baseopt "acqt0=0" 1 ze 2 d1 do:f2 ;recycle delay 10u pl2:f2 ;set decoupling drive power level 3 d11d2 ;reset amplitude list (center (p3 ph11 pl2):f2 (p1 ph13 pl11):f1 ) ;H/C down (center (p5:sp0 ph10):f2 (p5 pl1 ph2):f1 ) ;Contact Hramp Csquare (center (p3 ph12 pl2):f2 (p1 ph14 pl11):f1 ) ;H/C up d11d2 lo to 3 times l0 ; d11d2 (center (p3 ph1 pl2):f2 (p1 ph15 pl11):f1 ) ;H/C down (p6:sp0 ph10):f2 (p6 pl1 ph2):f1 ;Contact Hramp Csquare ; 1u cpds3:f2 pl22:f2 ;high-power decoupling d13 (p2 ph3 pl11):f1 ;13C 180 for Hahn echo d3 1u cpds2:f2 pl12:f2 ;moderate-power decoupling go=2 ph31 ;do NS scans 1m do:f2 ;turn decoupler off wr #0 exit ph0= 0 ph1= 1 3 ;1H 90 before last CP ph2= 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 ;13C CP ph3= 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 ;180 before detect (best phase for short d13) 1 1 2 2 3 3 0 0 ;exorcycle 2 2 3 3 0 0 1 1 3 3 0 0 1 1 2 2 ph4= 0 ;recoupling by 180 on 1H ph10= 0 ;1H CP ph11= 1 ;1H 90 ph12= 3 ;1H = -ph11 ph13= 1 1 2 2 3 3 0 0 ;13C 90 onto spinlock ph14= 3 3 0 0 1 1 2 2 ;=-ph13 store for spin equilibration ph15= 1 3 2 0 3 1 0 2 ;13C 90 onto last spinlock ph31= 0 2 1 3 2 0 3 1 ;RCPH 2 0 3 1 0 2 1 3 ;with exorcycle