GETCURDATA SETCURDATA XCMD("chparmod A2") XCMD("chparmod P2") /*STOREPARS("PARMODE",2);*/ STOREPAR("PULPROG","dm_zg_kin"); GETINT("How many spectra will be acquired?",i1) GETFLOAT("what is the delay between the expts in seconds?",f1) GETINT("How many scans per spectra (use 4,8 or 16 etc)", i2) STOREPAR("NS",i2) STOREPAR1("TD",i1) STOREPAR1("SI",i1) STOREPAR("D 8",f1) STOREPAR("L 4",i1) VIEWDATA QUITMSG("setup complete for 1D kinetic expt !\n1.vdlist is 'kinetic'\n2. Run expt with 'zg'.\n3. Process data with 'xf2 or xf2p' command.")